
Finishing School

finishingschool_reclaimedwoodIt can take some playing around with sample blocks to get just the right balance of rustic and refined qualities in reclaimed wood. Here, a local toddler (with some parental assistance), applies a hand rubbed beeswax finish to a block of antique wood. The finish is applied after soap and water, followed by a light power sanding – bringing underlying wood figure into relief without removing weathering and texture.

Longleaf Pine at 443 Greenwich St., NYC

reclaimed lumber from Greenwich St. NYCA large project on Greenwich St. is drawing to a close, with over 500,000 bf of grade A Longleaf Pine lumber reclaimed from the gutted warehouse which is being developed into one of the highest valued properties in Manhattan. The building, constructed in 1895, was home to the American Steel Wood Co. and a range of smaller companies, including the Novelty Toy Co., with claims to releasing the first ‘Teddy Bear’. In the late 20th c., 443 Greenwich serviced a long list of film companies, small manufacturers and artists that worked and lived out of an edgier Tribeca neighborhood.


Just scratching the surface


When less is more, one finishing choice for salvaged wood is to just brush the surface – retaining saw marks,  weathered texture and natural brown hues – like an old farmer in his sunday best. Here, reclaimed softwoods absorb the natural light and turn the underlying character up.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae dolor non magna fringilla dignissim eget sed nisl. Cras eu pretium nisi, nec cursus purus. Vivamus efficitur, arcu ut tempus molestie, ipsum nunc auctor ipsum, eget condimentum magna odio ac nunc. Donec lacinia purus est, ac maximus magna gravida ut. Sed bibendum risus ut commodo pulvinar. Donec euismod sit amet nulla tincidunt vulputate. Nam aliquam vehicula felis vitae maximus. Aenean risus leo, aliquam vel ullamcorper vel, venenatis vitae velit. Phasellus sodales ultrices lorem, vitae placerat justo molestie sed. In augue arcu, semper vitae sollicitudin non, pellentesque sit amet arcu. Fusce vehicula enim eu dapibus convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed et quam nec ligula lacinia venenatis vel in erat. Nunc ultricies lacus lectus, eget luctus diam volutpat ut.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae dolor non magna fringilla dignissim eget sed nisl. Cras eu pretium nisi, nec cursus purus. Vivamus efficitur, arcu ut tempus molestie, ipsum nunc auctor ipsum, eget condimentum magna odio ac nunc. Donec lacinia purus est, ac maximus magna gravida ut. Sed bibendum risus ut commodo pulvinar. Donec euismod sit amet nulla tincidunt vulputate. Nam aliquam vehicula felis vitae maximus. Aenean risus leo, aliquam vel ullamcorper vel, venenatis vitae velit. Phasellus sodales ultrices lorem, vitae placerat justo molestie sed. In augue arcu, semper vitae sollicitudin non, pellentesque sit amet arcu. Fusce vehicula enim eu dapibus convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed et quam nec ligula lacinia venenatis vel in erat. Nunc ultricies lacus lectus, eget luctus diam volutpat ut.

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