


Seaside boardwalks are usually built with wood, though increasingly made of concrete or pressure treated softwoods in response to concerns about the destructive harvesting and use of Rainforest woods. Reclaimed boardwalk woods are a limited but sustainable source of Ipe, Cumaru, Angelique and other S. American hardwoods. Boardwalks are found around the world, but are especially common in the New York and New Jersey area. The boardwalk woods reclaimed at Sawkill Lumber Co. have been recovered from three seaside walkways, Coney Island, Far Rockaway and Atlantic City.


Nineteenth century warehouses, mills and factories can almost appear over-built, utilizing massive dimensional timbers as upright columns and cross beams between rows of smaller joists, designed to handle bulk goods and heavy machinery. As in residential, White Pine was the early standard for commercial buildings in the Northeast – though builders took a decisive turn towards Longleaf Pine by the late 1800’s, as the the towering Southern evergreen yielded large and straight dimensional lumber, while being rich with resin, a natural repellant of rot, and more importantly fire.

The vast reserves of Southern Pine were as eagerly harvested during the industrial revolution as the iron ore deposits of Pennsylvania. You can see this transition to Longleaf Pine built into the geography of Manhattan, where White Pine may be found in the older parts of the island (especially in the South Street Seaport area), with Longleaf Pine the standard of cast iron buildings in todays Tribeca and Soho, when steam power made it possible to navigate the strong currents on the West Side.

Industrializing areas all along the Northeast appeared to follow a similar pattern; making Southern Pine (largely financed and operated by northern timber companies), the signature wood of the industrial revolution. Generally the heavy framework is layered with a thick Pine decking of 2-3” and topped with hard maple, both of which are commonly salvaged today.

Other woods turn up, though in different regions or eras. For instance, a range of other Southern and Western Pine species, related but not as hard as Longleaf. Loblolly, Shortleaf and Red Pine can be found in the mid-Atlantic and other areas. And by the beginning of the 20th c., the roads opening to the massive Doug Fir forest of the Northwest.   

Wood Species: Longleaf Pine, Shortleaf Pine, Eastern White Pine, Douglas Fir.
Sizes: 3-16” thickness’ x 10-16” widths x 15-30’ lengths
Defining Characteristics: Huge dimensional sizes: Rough sawn or circular sawn surfaces, Dense old growth figure.

Miriam Wiseman

Miriam is a graduate of Columbia University (B.S. Modern American History, 2011). Her research for Sawkill Lumber Co. focused on a section of buildings (617-631 W. 129th St.) deconstructed by Columbia U. as part of the Manhattanville redevelopment project.

Amy Johnson

Amy is a graduate of Columbia University (2009 B.A. Anthropology). She recently completed a Fulbright Scholarship in Nepal. Her original research of early logging on Manhattan island in the early Dutch period was conducted as part of an internship at Sawkill Lumber Co.

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